Sunday, October 18, 2009

Decorating my office

In my office in the temporary location, I have a lot of empty wall space.  2 walls to be exact.  So to make my office more "homey", I decided to decorate them.  One wall is dedicated to my Robert Pattinson obsession.  Since I am the AV Librarian, I decided to decorate the other wall with movie posters.  But I didn't want to use just any movie posters.  I wanted to pick movies that held some significance to me.  I haven't finished the project yet, but the following are the movies I have used so far.  I have included a description on why I chose them.  I hope you enjoy.

1.  Disney's Robin Hood - This movie first came out when I was in Kindergarten.  I really wanted to see it.  Mom was going to take me and my brother but we had really bad weather that year and since we lived in the country, we didn't get to see it.  Mom did buy me the soundtrack album so I thought that was kinda cool.  Luckily I am old enough that back then, Disney re-released their movies on the big screen (instead of DVD like they do now.  I wish they didn't do that.  But that is a whole other blog post. ) and I eventually did get to see it when I was in the 6th grade.

2.  Grease - I do remember seeing this in the theater and loving it.  But I decided to choose this movie poster because of the soundtrack album.  I played it non stop.  I probably drove my parents crazy with it but I didn't care.  It was and still is a great soundtrack.

3.  Rain Man - This is the first movie my BFF Edie and I went to see together.  It was the start of a life long friendship that I will cherish forever.  We have seen many, many movies together and can tell you many many stories related to them.   She is and will always be my favorite movie going partner.

4.  Dances with Wolves - As I have mentioned before, I had and still have a Kevin Costner fetish.  Dances with Wolves is my all time favorite Kevin movie.  I went to see it in the theater 3 times.  One time we set in the front row.  Let me tell you, that is not easy considering it's a 3 hour movie.  But it was worth it. 

5.  Fried Green Tomatoes - I think this is a wonderful movie, but it's not why I picked it for my wall.  When I went to see it the first time, I didn't realize the 2 main characters were gay.  What can I say, back then, I didn't get around much.  So I went to that movie 3 more time (we had the dollar theater back then).  Needless to say, I finally got it.

6.  Much Ado About Nothing - I love Shakespeare movies.  Luckily, so does Edie.  Out of all the Shakespeare movies I have seen, Much Ado About Nothing is my all time favorite.  Beatrice and Benedict are one of the most romantic couples on fim.  When Edie and I went to see this in the theater, there were maybe 6 of us total in the theater.  By the time it was over, I believe we were the only ones left in the theater as everybody else left (Edie, you can correct me if I am wrong).

7.  Ghost - Edie and I used to go to Peru a lot to see movies.  It was cheap and a change of scenery.  Any way, I swear for a 6 month period all that was showing in Peru was Ghost.

8.  Beauty and the Beast - As I have said before, Beauty and the Beast is my all time favorite Disney movie.  So it had to go on my wall.

9.  When Harry Met Sally - There are many reasons I love this movie.  The screenplay was written by Nora Ephron.  I love all things Nora.  It stars Billy Crystal (the all time greatest Oscar host ever) and Meg Ryan.   And most of all, it has songs done by my beloved Harry Connick Jr.  It was this soundtrack that I was introduced to Harry and his music and boy was I hooked.  I have seen him in concert 3 times and have all his CDs.  He is the best singer ever, in my humble opinion.

10.  Monsters Inc. - I love all the Pixar movies so I couldn't decide which one to put on my wall.  Since Billy Crystal is in this one, I chose Monsters Inc.

11.  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - I have read and loved all (but the last one) of the Harry Potter books.  I have also enjoyed the movies ( although I think the books are better.  What can I say,  I am a librarian).  So I went with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire because Robert Pattinson is in it. (do you see a trend?)

That is all I have so far.  I will update you on any additions to my wall.

I'm Baaack!!!

After 3 long weeks of moving the library into it's temporary location, we are finally ready to open tomorrow.  During those 3 weeks, I have been dead tired so I didn't get around to updating my blog.  So tonight, I decided to start back up again.  I did watch a view movies while I was away.  Here is a short synopsis/reviews of what I saw.

I watched the DVD of Monsters Vs. Aliens that I checked out of the library.  It could be classified as "I am glad I didn't spend money at the theaters to watch this".  It had a few clever moments but nothing memorable.

A much better animated film is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.  Mom and I went to see this at the theaters last Sunday.  It was absolutely adorable.  The main character, would be inventor Flint Lockwood, reminded me of my nephew Aden.  The movie also had a monkey named Steve as a sidekick.  He was definately a highlight for me.  You can't beat a movie with a monkey named Steve. 

I bought the DVD  The Haunted Airman.  It stars Robert Pattinson which was the reason I bought the DVD.  (I wanted to do something to help his career along.)    It is set in WWII in England.  Robert is an airman that is paralyzed and taken to a hospital to recuperate.  Instead, he starts to go crazy.  I actually liked this film.  It was nice to see Robert in something other than Twilight.  It was done by the BBC, so if you like British stuff, you will probably like this.  If not, you probably won't.

Well that is all I watched.  Now I plan to be back on track with my reviews.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Favorite Movie Scenes/My Youtube obsession

After a long week moving the library to it's temporary location, (ok, it's wasn't that long for me as I took a day and a half of vacation time) I am back to my blog.  I have missed it so.

For those who don't know me (or for that matter, those that do) I have an obsession with Youtube.  I find myself watching it all the time.  If my mother knew about this, she would claim it's the reason my house looks like it does.  Any way, one of the things I love to do on Youtube (besides watching various clips of Robert Pattinson)  is view various scenes from my favorite movies.  I am now going to share some of them with you.  I hope you enjoy.

FAVORITE BEGINNING TO A MOVIE -  Beauty and the Beast Prologue

Beauty and the Beast, the only animated movie to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar,  is my all time favorite Disney movie.  I have the DVD, soundtrack CD and various related Beauty and the Beast paraphernalia around my house.  For a time, I even had a Beauty and the Beast shower curtain.  So you can tell I am a fan.  One of the things I love about this movie is it's prologue.  At one time, I even had it memorized.   Even today, it still gives me chills.

BEST KISS - Some Kind of Wonderful (Keith and Watts Kiss) - Some Kind of Wonderful is one of my all time favorite John Hughes movies (may he rest in peace).  It's the story of the unpopular Keith who gets tricked into taking out the most popular girl in school.  His best friend, tomboy Watts, has a thing for Keith herself but agrees to help Keith out on his date.  In this scene, she helps him with kissing.  I love it.

BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH - Meatballs - This movie, starring the wonderful Bill Murray, is the story a summer camp that is in a competition with a rival summer camp.  They really don't have much hope of winning, but Bill's speech spurs them on.  Again, this is one of my favorite films.  It may be a little dated and cliche, but it's funny.  And someday I for see myself running through the hallowed halls of KHCPL chanting this speech.

SCENE FROM A KEVIN COSTNER MOVIE THAT STILL GIVES ME CHILLS - The Untouchables  The Chicago Way Scene - Before my Robert Pattinson fetish, there was my Kevin Costner fetish.  I have seen the majority of his films multiple times.  I even watched Dances with Wolves on the front row of a theater. (It's a 3 hour movie and let me tell you, that wasn't easy).  I find Kevin dreamy and probably always will.   There are many wonderful scenes I could list hear but the one that gives me chills every time is from The Untouchables.  It's a scene where Sean Connery's Jim Malone character give Kevin's Elliot Ness character a lesson on how to bring down Al Capone. 

FUNNIEST WEDDING SCENE - Four Weddings and a Funeral - This scene is from the second wedding in Four Weddings and a Funeral.  Rowan Atkinson (who I love) plays a vicar who is doing his first wedding.  Being extremely nervous, he blunders through the ceremony.  I remember watching this in the theater and laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

These are just a few of my favorite scenes from movies.  I will continue to post ones that I come across.  And I want all of you that are concerned about my obsession with all things Twilight to note, none of the scenes I posted were from that movie.  I won't guarantee that will always be the case.