Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like award show season time....

If you heard a high pitch squeal yesterday morning that you weren't sure where it was coming from, it was probably me when I realized that the Golden Globe nominations were announced yesterday.  The Golden Globes signals the beginning of the award show season.  I love award shows.  I am not sure why, I just do.  I especially like the Golden Globes as they break the movie categories into Comedy/Musical and Drama.  Comedic films tend to not get the appreciation they deserve in other award shows.  That is a shame.

There were several things that excited me about this years nominations.  They include:

1.  Sandra Bullock gets 2 nominations - Sandra Bullock is nominated in the Best Actress in a Comedy for The Proposal and Best Actress in a Drama for The Blindside.  I saw The Proposal and she was absolutely hilarious in it.  I have not seen The Blindside but have heard from those who have seen it that she is wonderful in it.  I have been a Sandra Bullock fan since she first came on the scene in Speed.  These 2 nominations are highly deserved.

2.  Meryl Streep gets 2 nominations in the same category - Meryl Streep got nominations in the Best Actress in a Comedy for her roles in Julie and Julia and It's Complicated.  I haven't seen It's Complicated (I really want to) but I did see Julie and Julia and loved it.  She nailed the part of Julia Child.

3.  George Clooney, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt all get nominations (well sorta) - George is nominated for Best Actor in a Drama for Up in the Air, Matt Damon got 2 nominations (one for Best Actor in a Comedy for The Informant and one for Best Supporting Actor in Invictus), Julia Roberts is nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy for Duplicity and Brad Pitt stars in the Best Drama nominee Inglorious Bastards.  If they all show up to the award show, it will be like a reunion of Ocean's 11 and 12.  Being a big Ocean's fan, this make me very happy.  George, Matt and Brad also bring the pretty so that doesn't hurt either.

4.  Anna Kendrick gets nominated - Anna Kendrick is nominated for Best Supporting Actress for the movie Up in the Air.  Why would this excite me if I haven't seen the movie?  Well, Anna also plays Jessica in the Twilight movies and she is adorable in those.  So I am very happy for her.

One thing that did perplex me about the nominations.  Invictus was nominated several times.  It looks like I may have to go see it.  I really don't want to.

The Golden Globes will be presented on January17.  I can't wait.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekend Movie Viewing

I actually got to watch 2 movies this weekend.  One movie fits in the Christmas season.  The other has a connection to my Twilight Obsession.  We will start with the Christmas movie first.

The first movie I watched was National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.  I have probably seen this movie a zillion times and probably will watch it a zillion times more.  I guess there is just something about watching the Griswold's have a traditional Christmas and failing miserably that just cracks me up.  (Mom, who I was watching it with, was amazed at how hard I was laughing)  Could it be I myself have experienced some disfunctional Christmas's myself?  Possibly, but haven't we all?

My favorite character in the whole story is Aunt Bethany.  I see myself in the future, going to either my niece or nephews and acting the same way.  You will have to watch the movie to see what I mean.

Fracture was the other movie I watched this weekend.  How does this fit in to my Twilight obsession you may ask?  Well, one of the characters is played by Billy Burke, who plays Bella's dad in the Twilight flicks.  Fracture tell the story of a man played by Anthony Hopkins who shoots his wife after he finds out she is having an affair (with the character played by Burke).  Ryan Gosling plays the DA who is in charge of prosecuting him. 

This is a pretty good film.   Since the murder was revealed in the first 20 minutes of the film, I was wondering what was going to happen.  It didn't disappoint.  Gosling and Hopkins were good as always.  If you like a good courtroom drama, I would recommend this one.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Opening in Theaters 12/11/09

There are two new movies opening in theaters this week.  One I really want to see.  The other I am really conflicted about.

1. The Princess and the Frog (rated G) - This is Disney's latest animated release.  It puts a twist on the classic kissing a frog and it turning into a prince storyline.   I love all things Disney, but it has been a while since they have had an animated feature other than their Pixar stuff that I have been interested in seeing.  (The last non Pixar Disney film I really liked was Chicken Little.  I highly recommend that one).  It has also been a while since they have had what would be considered a "Princess" film.  The clips I have seen of this look really good.  I am really looking forward to seeing this.  So is my niece.

2. Invictus (rated PG-13) - Invictus tells the true story of how newly elected Nelson Mandela (played by Morgan Freeman) used the sport of rugby to unite South Africa.  Matt Damon plays the rugby captain that joins forces with Mandela to get this done.  I am really conflicted about whether or not I want to see this film.  I am a huge fan of Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.  I am also a huge sports film fan.  What is it that is keeping me from wanting to see this film?  It's directed by Clint Eastwood.  I am sure Mr. Eastwood is a very nice man, but I just can't stand his movies.  I have tried watching his movies.  I really have.  I have had better times watching paint dry.  (If you like Clint Eastwood movies, please don't be offended.  This is just my opinion.  You are entitled to yours).  Will I bite the bullet and see it?  Maybe.  I think I will wait until I get it for the library so I don't have to pay to see it.

That's what opening this weekend.  I don't know if I will get to the movies this weekend.  Too much Christmas shopping to do.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Fans Fight Back “He Doesn’t Want This, Neither Do We”

I am getting on my soapbox now.  I like watching movies.  I like watching movies a lot.  When I find a movie I really like, I tend to get enamored with the stars of those movies.  Obviously, I have done it with the Twilight series and I have done it with others in the past.  I read the magazine articles about them and look at their pictures.  But, do I need to know every sorted detail of their lives?  NO.  I would kind of like it if I knew a little less about their private lives.  Do I enjoy looking at pictures where celebrities are chased down the street by the paparazzi? NO.  In those pictures, the celebrities don't look happy.  Why would I want to see that?  The only thing celebrities owe fans is a good performance.  That's it.

What brought this rant on?  This weekend, paparazzi photos of Rob Pattinson surfaced that were truely digusting.   He had went to a concert of one of his friends and while leaving, the photographers, for lack of a better word, ambushed him.  In one photo, he was literally backed up against the wall.  It was truely sad. 

I wasn't the only one that was disgusted.  Several sites got together and started "The Fans Fight Back "He doesn't want this, Neither do We" campaign.  They had fans send in photos of themselves with their faces covered.  The photos are posted on the Thinking of Rob website.  They currently have 1000+ photos.  They also have a video of some of the photos one Youtube.

I think this campaign is really impressive.  If it just changes the mind of a few people not to look at the paparazzi picture or buy magazines that publish them, then it will be worth it.

In case you are wondering, yes, I did send my picture in.  Here it is:

My picture did make it on the part one of the video that was made.  I encourage you to watch it. (Not because I am in it)

I will get off my soapbox now.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Opening in Theaters 12/4/09

Please don't fall off your chairs, I am actually doing a post on what is opening in theaters this week for the 2nd week in a row.  I am so excited.  I may get into the groove of this blogging thing yet.

1. Armored (rated-PG-13)- This is the story of a bunch of armored truck guards who plan a robbery of their own trucks.  Like all good action movies, the plan doesn't go as expected.  Not sure if I really want to see this one.  The only thing that might make me want to see it is the fact that Matt Dillion is in it.  I am a child of the '80s.  Matt Dillion was pretty hot in the '80s.

 2.  Brothers (rated R) - Toby Maguire stars as a solider who gets shipped to Afghanistan.  An incident happens and he is presumed dead.  Jake Gyllenhal stars as his brother who steps in to help his wife (played by Natalie Portman) and kids.  You don't need to see the movie to know that no good is going to come out of that.  This movie looks mildy intriguing mainly because I am a huge Toby Maguire fan.  I don't know if that is enough to make me go to the theater to see it.  This may be a view on DVD movie.

3.  Everybody's Fine (rated PG-13) - Robert De Niro stars as a widower who sets out to get back in touch with his grown children.  What he finds is that kids are anything but fine.  Also starring Drew Barrymore, this film looks cute.  I am assuming since there is a Christmas tree in the background of the poster, that it may be set around Christmas time.  Since I am a Christmas movie fan, I might have to see this one. We will wait and see.

That is what is opening this week.  I hope that everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Songs In My Head

I love music.  I took piano lessons as a child.  I would listen to my 8 tracks and albums (yes I am that old) for hours on end.  Much to the chagrin of my mother, I would listen to music at very high decibles (or at least she thought so).

I am still very much at music fan.  I like a broad range of music.   Harry, rock, soundtracks, country, disco.  You name I probably like it.  Unless it's rap.  I am just not into that.

I have noticed as I have gotten older, I tend to get a song in my head and I have to listen to it over and over again.  I just can't stop.  I will play it until another song takes it's place.  I know it's a little OCD, but what can I say.   I thought I would share the current songs that I are in my head.

This first song is came on recently on my Pandora Abba channel.  If you haven't heard of it you must visit the Pandora website.  It's an internet radio station that allows you to choose the music you like and it will pick out similar songs.  Anyway,  I remembered this song from when I was younger and have been playing it ever since.  Probably a good thing I live by myself.

The other song I have in my head is thanks to one of the movie previews I saw when I went to see New Moon.  The song plays in the trailer for the upcoming movie "Letter's to Juliet".  Since I saw New Moon twice, the song is really in my head.  I only play this in my car, so it's not as much in my head as the first one, but it's there just the same.

I am sure that there will be songs to replace these.  There always is.  So until then I will enjoy these.